Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mugs, Cups, and the Environment.

The other day I was thinking about the tremendous impact cups have on the environment. Tunnel City alone goes through hundreds a day, imagine how many cups all the cafes in america use daily. I have some thoughts and suggestions on how everyone can make a real difference.

Coffee Shops:
Use recycled cups, sleeves, and lids if possible(tunnel city does)
Offer a discount for people who bring their own mugs.
Offer Ceramic mugs for customers staying with their coffee in the cafe.

Go to cafes that use recycled products(or suggest to you favorite cafe owner they start using them)
Bring your own mug from home.

I realized that by using a mug even half the time, I save almost 300 cups a year. I am just one person, if even a hundred people used their own mugs we could save 30,000 cups a year. Please leave any other environment saving tips you can thing of as comments.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Home Made Chai

I have been experimenting with chai lately. Not the boxed kind, but with homemade chai. Here is the best recipe I have come up with so far,

Bring 16 ounces of water to a boil,
add 6 teaspons of black tea,
add honey(one or two ounces), cinnimon(one tblspoon), suger(two packets),
reduce heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes, depending on desired strengh.
Pour water through a filter to catch the tea leaves.

You now have a concentrate that you can mix with heated milk to make chai. Feel free to leave a comment with your own recipe.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Finally Winter

So winter is finally here. I was a little worried when we had the windows open at the cafe in the begining of January. We have had wierd weather this year, warm weather here, snowstorms in Texas, huricane strengh winds in England, and a blizzard for the first time ever on christman in Australia(which is summer for them).
But enough about the weather. I am attending college again after 2 years, which is exciting. I am taking all online classes through HVCC in NY. Hopefully in a year I will have my associates in Business and will be able to transfer to SUNY.